In January 2015, CAO will once again host the Optometric Leaders Forum (OLF). This year OLF is taking place in Ottawa and the theme is, Optometry’s Futures, From Ideas to Action.
This gathering brings together leading voices in optometry, from across the country to collectively explore the opportunities and challenges facing the profession. The objective is to discuss key messages from the Pathways to the Future discussion document and ways to build momentum around the case for change. Against the background of a dynamically shifting landscape, the importance of predicting, analyzing and understanding trends in eye health and vision care have become more acute. Technology, research and scope of practice in the vision sector is changing and moving rapidly. Change means increased agility to address patient needs, but it also means more intricacy and will require more flexibility from the health care system, the public and the profession.
The important relationship between OD and patient will continue to be central to success — in fact, as eye problems become more complex, the expertise of the OD will be increasingly valued. Demand for eye care is expected to increase with the general aging of the population across North America. As the percentage of the population over 65 moves from 12.5% to 25% by 2036 (CIHI, 2011), the number of people with eye conditions requiring significant care will more than double. These important considerations and many more will be top of mind as leaders meet at OLF.