It shall be the ideal, the resolve, and the duty of each ordinary member of the Canadian Association of Optometrists:
- To accept as one's primary concern and responsibility the visual welfare of all patients;
- To promote in every possible way high standards of vision care for all people;
- To render optometric services with equal diligence to all patients, regardless of race, creed, or economic status;
- To consult freely with colleagues and with members of other professions whenever such consultations are in the best interest of the patient;
- To seek continued growth of skill and knowledge so that the optometrist's patients may receive the full benefit of advances in the art and science of vision care;
- To share one's professional knowledge concerning one's patients, and to use such information only for the benefit of those patients;
- To maintain at all times the dignity, honour, and integrity of the profession;
- To maintain their offices and their practices in keeping with professional standards.