Federal Advocacy

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Engage your local MP to support a carve-out in increasing Capital Gains tax for health professionals.

We have produced a sample letter for CAO members to use and to communicate with their members of parliament. The letter only requires you to add your name and contact details, the name of your own M.P. 

Their contact information can be found here.

We encourage our members to write a letter to their member of parliament so that they are aware of the impacts of these changes at their local level.

Download the letter about Capital Gains Tax Increase carve-out for health care …


What Is Bill C-284?

In June 2022, the Honorable MP Judy Sgro (Humber River - Black Creek) introduced Bill C-284: An Act to establish a national strategy for eye care. The bill aims to improve eye care and invest in vision research to address preventable blindness.

View our key goals for Bill C-284: An Act to establish a national strategy for eye care (CAO Infographic)


The time is now! 

Enroll in CAO's advocacy training!

CAO offers advocacy training to our member optometrists interested in engaging with their provincial Senators.

In 30 minutes over Zoom, you will learn our priorities at the federal level and more about how the federal government can demonstrate leadership in vision policy. You will learn how to speak to your local politician in terms they understand, leaving you with tips and tricks for meeting success.

Your voice matters!
Get involved now
Federal Advocacy

CAO and other national associations continue to urge the Federal Minister of Finance to create an exemption in increasing Capital Gains tax for health professionals.

Read the letter

EHPC statement about the 2024 federal budget (Canadian Student Loan Forgiveness Program)

Read the statement