Solar Eclipse Safety

A solar eclipse occurs when the Moon completely or partially covers the Sun. This is a fascinating spectacle, but it is very important to guard against temporary or permanent damage to the eyes. 

Last Updated: February 20, 2025

Here are some tips that will help you enjoy watching an eclipse safely:

  1. Safety Focus: Ensure your eyes are protected at all times by using solar eclipse viewers that meet international standard ISO 12312-2 for safe viewing. Make sure that the glasses are not damaged or scratched before use. Sunglasses, even those with a very dark tint are not sufficient protection.
  2. Don’t Get Burned! Staring at the Sun without protection, may cause damage to your retina (the tissue at the back of your eye) called “solar retinopathy.” This damage can occur without any sensation of pain. The injury can be temporary or permanent. Visit your local doctor of optometry immediately if an accident occurs.
  3. Go Indirect – Project: If you can't find eclipse viewers, make a pinhole projector to watch the eclipse. It’s important to only watch the screen, not the Sun. Never look at the Sun through the pinhole.
  4. Check It Out: If you experience any problems with your eyes or vision after the eclipse, visit your optometrist promptly.

Upcoming Eclipse

A partial eclipse of the Sun will occur at dawn on 29 March 2025. Only St. John’s, NL will experience the entire eclipse. Westward, the Atlantic provinces and much of Quebec and eastern Ontario will experience a crescent Sun at dawn, with the Moon leaving the solar disk before 06:30h local time. Although not as spectacular as a total solar eclipse, this event may draw attention because of its novelty, but it poses potential risks to eyesight if proper precautions are not taken. During a solar eclipse, the Moon moves between the Sun and the Earth, partially or completely blocking the Sun's rays. The danger lies in the fact that even during a partial eclipse, the Sun's intense radiation can cause severe damage to the eyes. Looking at the Sun directly during an eclipse can lead to solar retinopathy, permanently damaging the retina's light-sensitive cells.

Some other resources about the upcoming Solar Eclipses

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Download CAO's "How to Enjoy A Solar Eclipse" infographic