Position Statement

Children’s Vision Screening and Comprehensive Eye Examinations
Position Statement: Vision Therapy
Position Statement: UV and Eye Protection
Position Statement Non Corrective Cosmetic Contact Lenses
Position Statement Eye Exam Frequency
The Canadian Association of Optometrists (CAO) recognizes that myopia, and in particular high myopia, is a global public health issue and cannot be considered merely an inconvenience of uncorrected vision. The CAO supports the position of the World Council of Optometry and endorses evidence-based myopia management as a
standard of care for all at-risk patients.
COVID-19 has had demonstrable effects on the provision of optometry services, most notably in the restriction of access to vision care during the first wave of the pandemic. Stay-at-home orders and clinic closures created the need for alternate patient care modes to ensure the safety of patients, staff, and optometrists resulting in teleoptometry becoming a particularly valuable modality for vision care services.
CAO and the profession of optometry strongly support the requirement for a post-graduation, entry to practice competency assessment.
COVID-19 continues to have a demonstrable impact on health care delivery in Canada, given emerging and more contagious variants and vaccination rates levelling off.
Importance of Eye Health and Vision Care to Healthy Aging