OLF COVID-19 Safety Policy
CAO is very much looking forward to welcoming you back to 2025 OLF. It is important to remember that COVID is still present. We are strongly committed to the safety of our participants, staff, and suppliers.
CAO continuously monitors local, provincial, and national guidelines and regulations relating to the COVID-19 pandemic. We will update our safety policy as much as needed in regard to official guidelines evolution. We are also working closely with our event partners to make sure that a high standard of hygiene and cleanliness is maintained at all times during the event.
By attending, you agree to abide by applicable provincial, municipal regulations and CAO’s hereby health & safety rules, and to conduct yourself in accordance with all provided instructions. This will include, but is not limited to:
- using the provincial Self-Assessment tool before attending meetings
- refraining from coming to the event, or leaving promptly, if you develop symptoms associated with COVID-19;
- Although masking is no longer mandatory in Ontario, it is still strongly recommended to wear masks in indoor settings, particularly in situations where physical distancing may be difficult or impossible;
- following instructions on physical distancing and crowd circulation at the event to minimize contact, and observe good hand-washing and hygiene etiquette.
You can also confirm that:
- you are not under quarantine requirements as imposed by the Provincial or a Municipal Health Authority;
- you are following public health guidelines should you have been in close contact with a person with suspected or confirmed COVID-19 infection; and
- you have not shown any symptoms of a COVID-19 infection yourself.
- you are following all public health recommended guidelines and limiting potential exposure to COVID-19.