Deja Vu Optics - Optometrist

Campbellton NB
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  • Salary
    $2200 - 2700+ per day (Full or Part Time available)
  • Closing Date
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Job Description

Deja Vu Optics, established in 2012 offering quality affordable eyewear. We are a team environment that is light and fun, but still professional. With three licensed opticians to assist with your pretest requirements along with coach people with vision issues and help them understand their condition and what solutions are available and manage expectations. With an in-office lab and stock lenses we can provide eyewear in little as 1 hour.

Benefits we Offer.
- 100% of exam revenue is yours (~$2200-2600/day)
Other bonuses and extras available
- No Expense for Office, Staff, Advertising or Equipment
- Flexible Scheduling (No Weekends or Evenings)
- Cloud booking software with text and email reminders

We Think outside of the box.
- Deja Vu Optics - Custom Software Customized to your workflow (TAB Order & Custom Fields)
- Addition of fields to your requirements
- E-Files for both Doctor and Optical records - This helps address 2 concerns
1. The environmental impact 2. Use of office space for paper files
- Referrals can be completed from within the exam. Information directly from your exam into your referral, in one click Fax to the desired clinic from the computer. Updates the clients file with a PDF copy of the referral

Exam Lane and Pretest are equipped with Topcon Digital CV5000 Equipment Bluetooth Connected
- Topcon TRK-2P Autorefractor and Auto Lensometer.
- No need for Rx input, just recall via touch screen.
- Pretest results are inputted by an optician directly into your current exam.

Connect with any of the following optometrist for their objective view.
- Dr Rachelle Savoie 1-506-480-0571 (Local Optometrist)
- Dr Benoit Bergeron 1-506-987-0132 (Local Optometrist)
- Dr Jacques Gagne 1-506-473-0139 cell (Retired from our Office)
Would be available to meet with you in person if interested.

The following links will give you a little more insight into Deja Vu Optics and myself.
Facebook - Web Site –
Our Music –

Application Instructions

Interesting? I’m available to for a conversation with you and expand on this partnership along with other benefits we offer.
Contact - Vince Gionet 506-753-6000 office, 506-759-2724 cell or text,
All communications are 100% confidential and private.

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