Un examen complet de la vue fait plus que tester votre vision, il pourrait aider à vous sauver la vie. Les optométristes sont à l'avant-garde des soins oculaires et, en tant que professionnels de la santé en soins primaires, ils contribuent à l'amélioration de la santé de tous les Canadiens.
A comprehensive eye exam does more than test your vision, it could help save your life. Optometrists are at the forefront of eye care, and as primary care health professionals, they support ensuring better health outcomes for all Canadians. The Canadian Association of Optometrists (CAO) stresses the importance of regular comprehensive eye exams from infants to seniors, and the essential role of optometrists in ongoing discussions with legislators to shape a unified and integrated Canada's Health Workforce.
The Extended Healthcare Professionals Coalition (EHPC) response to the 2023 Federal Budget
News release: Canadian Association of Optometrists calls on Government to lead on eye health June 14, 2022
Survey reveals how healthcare professionals of all types are grappling with a variety of coronavirus challenges simultaneously
On this, the most important day in the eye health calendar around the world, the Canadian Association of Optometrists (CAO) is encouraging all Canadians to schedule a visit with their optometrist for a comprehensive eye exam.
Canadians support eye exams as a requirement before entering kindergarten
Federal leadership required for eye health and vision care
Make a comprehensive eye exam part of your spring tune up