About CJO

The Canadian Journal of Optometry is CAO’s premier publication.  With an open rate of 94% (member survey 2013) it is easily one of our best ways to share information with members.  Since our membership represents about 85% of the profession, it's a great way to share information with Canadian optometrists. CJO features insightful articles on clinical practice, research, case studies and provides practice management tips. The CJO is a quarterly publication. All members of CAO receive a copy of the journal.

Editorial Board 


For information on advertising rates, please contact : 

Jim Hall
Keith Communications Inc.
(905) 849-7777 x 17 / Toll-free 1-800-661-5004 x 17

​Non-member subscription:

Canada $70  USA & Overseas $80
Non-members may order a subscription to CJO*RCO by contacting;

The Canadian Association of Optometrists
234 Argyle Avenue, Ottawa, Ontario, K2P 1B9, Canada
Tel: (888)263-4676 Local: (613) 235-7924 Email: cjo@opto.ca

CAO members receive a complimentary CJO*RCO subscription